Tondoro Constituency - kavangowestrc
Tondoro Constituency
Hon. Joseph Sikongo
Tondoro Constituency
Chairperson: Kavango West Regional Council
Tondoro Constituency is an electoral constituency in the Kavango West Region of Namibia. The name derives from the village and mission station Tondoro, however the administrative center is in the village of Mburuuru being the constituency office.
In 2013 the Kavango Region was split into Kavango East and West. Tondoro was formed from the western half of the former Kahenge Constituency.
Joseph Sivaku Sikongo is one of the longest serving councillors even before the split of the Kavango Region into two. He won as councillor for the new constituency at the 2015 regional elections and was elected as Chairperson of the Council and Management Committee.
In 2020, he continued as councillor for the constituency uncontested and again elected as the Chairperson of the Council and Management Committee for the second term.